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The Conception


The year was 2010 and the Personal Ministries Department of the Braeton Seventh-day Adventist Church, led by Elder Junior Green, was pregnant with a multiplicity of visions, dreams, ideas and plans, for the Braeton Seventh-day Adventist Church. Like the prophet Isaiah, the Personal Ministries Department, saw the Lord high and lifted up, in the myriad of plans they envisioned for the church. Spiritual growth was paramount in the minds of the team members and so they forged, full force ahead.


The Beginning


The Braeton Seventh-day Adventist Church had been overcrowded for many years due to a steady inflow of individuals being added to church membership through baptisms and transfers. To counter this dilemma, the church board decided to embark on an expansion programme, which involved expanding the rear, sides and front of the church. However, the members rejected those plans. The board then explored the idea of having two services on Sabbaths. Again, that proposal was rejected. It was now December 19, 2010, the venue was HEART VTDI on Gordon Town Road and the Braeton Church was hosting its Annual Retreat for those leaders who would be serving in 2011. The Personal Ministries Department made an impassioned presentation; one of the proposals was the vision of planting a new church in the 8 West area of Greater Portmore. The idea was watered, it germinated, took root, enhanced by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and God gave the increase.


The Preparation


The preparation for a crusade was in high gear. The venue was confirmed, the ground was being prepared and the Prayer Warriors were on their knees seeking spiritual guidance. The Personal Ministries Department placed the entire church in 10 zones, according to the area where each member resided. Each zone included an elder, a zone leader, a member of the Personal Ministries team and an assistant leader. The zone members were to prepare the ‘field’ leading up to the crusade in March 2011. Zone and outdoor meetings were held on a weekly basis. From January, two meetings were held simultaneously each Sunday night leading up to the crusade in March. The atmosphere at the meetings was charged and the church was electrified, as members eagerly attended one of the two Sunday night services that was held. Advent Joy and Claude Edwards joined forces and powered-up the communities at one location while other members of the church held services at another location. The Holy Spirit rained down on the gatherings as the Word of God was delivered to the communities. During this period, all the church’s resources were utilized–human resources, as well as, our physical resources. The numerous praise teams, singing groups and solo acts played an important role in taking the gospel to the communities. Special mention must be made of TSK, Lennox Duncan, Sydonnie Williams and Rhondale Williams.


The Crusade


It was now crusade time and the church was in full crusade mode. The Hope in King Jesus Crusade led by Evangelist Dorian Kelly and was scheduled to last from March 27 – April 24, 2011, in the Daytona area. The spirit of the members was high, many souls were drawn closer to the Lord and still, many others were born into the Kingdom of God. The crusade yielded 104 precious souls and indeed heaven rejoiced! During the crusade, the Personal Ministries Department, anticipating the need, acted promptly and purchased over one hundred copies of the Amazing Facts Study Guide to equip the converts. This was with the assistance of Sis. Marie Halsall, then manager of the Book and Nutrition Centre.


Back Home


After the Crusade, the new converts began attending the Braeton Church. However, seating became a major challenge and so, the leadership decided that they would rent a tent. This was done with the assistance of Elder Median Brady and the tent was placed on the north side of the church. Bible Class and Sabbath School lesson study were held in the conference room for the new believers. Transportation was a major challenge to the group. Bro. Huon Williams and Leroy Morris,, along with other members of the church, assisted in transporting the new members to church on Sabbath mornings. However, the return trip home was a major obstacle. Despite our best efforts, the attrition rate increased overtime. The Personal Ministries did an assessment and decided to assign mentors to the new believers group. Each new believer was contacted and it was then confirmed that transportation was a major challenge to the group. This intensified the need to plant a church urgently. Prior to the crusade Bro. DenworthFinnikin had indicated that the auditorium of the Ascot High School was vacant. Acting on this information he was given instructions to make contact with the school. In July 2011, he met with Principal Murray and a meeting was convened with the Vice Principal, Ms. Henry. It was confirmed that the location was available. On hearing the good news, the Personal Ministries Department made a recommendation that further discussions should be had with the school and formally begin the process of planting a new church. A planning committee was organized and chaired by First Elder, Elvey Hamilton. A delegation which included Pastor Mullings, Elders Median Brady and Junior Green and Bro. Huon Williams met with Ms. Dionne Brooks, the school’s bursar.


The Birth


Finally, the launch date was set and on Sabbath, October 8, 2011, the Braeton Seventh-day Adventist gave birth to the Ascot Branch Sabbath School. Worship began in the auditorium of the Ascot High School and have been here ever since. Elders, Sabbath School and A.Y personel were assigned on a weekly basis. Five members of the then personal ministries team (Junior Green, Huon Williams, Dwight Sinclair, Leroy Morris and Sis Carmen Griffiths) made Ascot their new home. As a Branch Sabbath School and a part of the Ascot Community, we embarked on several projects with the aim of enhancing the physical landscape of the community and to foster a good working relationship. In May 2012,ourLabour Day Project saw us tiling the bathroom area that is assigned to us on Sabbaths. The school community was appreciative of our effort.


The Growth


After the launch, Pastor Glendon Caballero continued to visit with and encourage the new converts. This contributed to the rapid growth of the church. In addition, services were enriched by the formation of the Ascot Choir and other singing groups. In addition, several members who worship in Kingston and other churches in Portmore could not resist the warmth and covenience of the Ascot Branch Sabbath School. On average between 150 and 200 hundred worshipper gathered each Sabbath. During the second year of services, the process of organizing the branch Sabbath School into a church began. The steering committee comprised:


The first meeting of the committee was on July 2, 2013 and the plan was set in motion.


The Decision


In September 2013, a rapid sequence of events took place. Pastor Mullings was asked to serve in another capacity and Pastor Kevan Barnaby was installed as Senior Pastor for Braeton District on September 7. Through a series of meetings with him, the Conference finally set a date for the Ascot Branch Sabbath School to be organized into a church. The date was November 23, 2013. Events leading up to church. The planning committee, now was on full alert, proceeded to put plans together. The first plan of action was to secure an office for the new church. Quotations on containers were attained but the cost was exorbitant. However, through the intervention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, Bro. Ian McKenzie led to us to Tyre Warehouse (Naggo Head), where we purchased two 20-foot containers for the cost of one. To God be the glory, one of the containers was already retrofitted for office use and required minor repairs. These were delivered on Monday, October 28, 2013. The brethren worked night and day to have the containers ready for use. The team included Brothers Huon Williams, Orville Davis, James Jackson and others. From the inception of Ascot Branch Sabbath School, our Supreme Provider, Jesus, has blessed us continuously. Our worship services have been enhanced by the kind donations of our members, locally and abroad.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]